Photo ©Ted Alspach.
Used with permission.
Custom Game Co. creates games specifically for each client that bring together all the elements needed for a positive branding experience. This doesn't just happen. Custom Game Co. has access to the designers of the world's best social board and card games. Many of these games have proven their popularity and replay value in numerous editions published around the world, but not necessarily in North America or the UK. We have access to "classic" game designs that are time-proven, yet new to most English-speaking customers.
Custom Game Co. provides a game whose mechanics and theme reflect a client's specific business and needs. Of course, it is nice to have a game themed around your company to offer customers, employees, and shareholders, but the additional value Custom Game Co. offers is a marketing tool that continues to pay dividends long after most premiums and promotions have been forgotten.
Here are three recent projects: Arrowhead Adventure!, Horse Fair Card Game and Who's What?

A game that can be enjoyed equally by players of different sight abilities that also promotes the Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. |

Which horse will the judges like? Created at the behest of a buyer and available online and in finer game shops. |

Players must guess which celebrity is older, taller, or lighter. A phone app available through Android. |